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The Belgian Aeromodelling League consists of :
The KBBF-FRAB coordinates all activities involving lighter than air aircraft, including both gas and hot air balloons
The Belgian Gliding federation consists of :
The FBVL-BVVF is the organisation for Hang Gliding activities in Belgium. Both hang gliding and paragliding are covered.
The Motor Federation is represented by the Belgian Aerobatic Club.
The Belgian Paramotor Federation (FBPM-BPMF) specialises in all paramotor activities.
The Skydiving federation consists of two regional organisations :
Helicopters are fascinating flying machines. Besides being vital in all kind of sanitary, health care, national security or humanitarian missions, they are fancy tools in specific competitions
The Royal Belgian Aeroclub is the federation of all Belgian Air Sp orts federations. Created in 1901, it was one of the first such organisations worldwide and a founding member of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI). The Royal Belgian Aeroclub is a full member of the FAI and of Europe Air Sports. It is the liaison organ with the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority.
L'Aéroclub Royal de Belgique est l'autorité belge en matière de sports aériens. Il regroupe toutes les Fédérations aéro-sportives de Belgique. Il représente la Belgique auprès de la Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) et de Europe Air Sports (EAS). Il assure la liaison avec la Direction Générale Transport Aérien (DGTA).
De Koninklijke Belgische Aeroclub is bevoegd voor alle Belgische luchtsporten. Zij groepeert alle luchtsport federaties in België. Zij vertegenwoordigt België bij de Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) en bij Europe Air Sports(EAS). Zij is het contactorgaan met de Directoraat Generaal Luchtvaart (DGLv).